Wiring diagram - wired in series.

  2 Solar cells - one with a connector and 2 wires, motor, propeller

                                                    Use a light source for power

                    or 2 batteries, 3 wires, motor, propeller

                                                   TRY OUT THE BULB AND BUZZER TOO.

1. For solar cells undo the nut on the cell PLUS SIGN +

and connect the other cell to it using the metal strip on to the NEGATIVE side MINUS SIGN - and then place the nut back.

1a If using batteries- connect the 3rd wire between the positive +of one to the negative - on the other .

2. Connect the RED wire to the POSITIVE SIDE +

3. Connect the BLACK wire to the NEGATIVE SIDE -

4. Connect the  RED wire to RED wire on the MOTOR and

5. Connect the BLACK wire to the Black wire on the MOTOR

      * Do you notice any difference to the simple circuit method

                                                                SIMPLE CIRCUIT